This tale I am about to tell is in a scottish accent and is mostly made up. the real story you will find here.
New then, 'twas aboot 12:00 in the afternoon when I and me two brothers and father whare fishin' doon in a great lake with a dam o' the oother sade. I was re-baitin' me hook, when me father called oot me name and shoowed, with hus hands, that thair was a huuge fush joost waitin' for me hook teh fly doon thair. Run I dud to that spot and peeked oover the sade o' the bridge, for that it was we were fishin' on, all I saw was dairt from teh bottom o' the lake being throon up laik a clood. Then I saw hum, the huge fush came oot o' hus clood o' dust and swam raight below oos. He woos as waid as, I'd, say, aboot six fait froom one corner o' his mooth to teh other, and he was aboot eight feet from tale to hus mooth, and blew fire from hi nostrils laik a demon from hell! I held meh breath and threw me hook inteh the depths, and waited...waited...waited...
Then ut happened, whaile I woos waitin' he gave a huge daive oot o' the water and oot of hus ghastly nostrils came a flame whuch enveloped all the boats throogh the lake! Oh! The mighty deomon then gave a loud roar whuch made ooll o' us nearly goo deaf! he then landed back un the water wuth a huge splash whuch made the water land on the bridge and backed oop traffic ooll the way to Colorado! Then he splashed hus bloody tale which forced the enitre lake to rise and flood the toown! Me brothers ran to the cair and droove away before the second splash but I stood their tangled in meh string. Thun I woos left un the water wuth nothin' boot meh fushin' pole un meh hands! I swam as best ah could! Boot then Ah felt soomethin' vibratin' the water behind me, I tairned aroond and thair woos Angus the demon, for thus I call hum, an' hai gave a lood roar and chairged at meh! I thought quckly and stook meh pole rait betwain hus two lips whuch happened to be oopen aboot to swallow me with one gulp. Hai wos thun paralized untul he could gut the troosty poole oot o' hus mooth. I took the chance and I swam wuth all mah maight till I reached what I thought was a beach, but happened to be noothin' but the very top o' the church wuth ut's steeple standing tooll. Thus I grasped and clung to. Just un taime for oold Angus had dived at me once more but since I had grasped the bell toower, he landed on the roof o' the church and broke through the roof onto a pew whuch kulled hum. But, with hus last breath in hus body, he gave a roar an' a flame which began a fire inside the church where the flooded lake could not reach.
Whun the flames started to climb higher to me, I dived unto the water and swam untul I came oot o' it and onto the dam. Un a few hours, the water had finally went doon, leaving the toown un a wrecked shape with the corpses o' the fush all around the toon. Lockily, the people had evacuated whun the fairst sight of Angus appeared and stairted the great fire on the booats. I was the only one who had bun thair to face meh enemy who I had thrown doon and casted hus ruin into the pews o' the church. Unfortunatly, anyoone who ever saw the old fush, has died and besides thus, his boones were burnt along wuth the rest o' hum inside the church. But, to thus day I carry the scars o' the great battle and have luved to tell aboot ut, though many claim I am noothin' but an oold liar. But I tell ye, Angus was as real or my neme us The Blue Pimpernel!
I know, I know. What a fish story and tall tale!